Wednesday, July 11, 2012

America: True Democracy, or Beholden to Power Brokers?

American identity is a composite of both the history provided in the archival record, and the stories authored by writers that now make up the corpus of American literature over the past three centuries. However, those in power in America were primarily the ones whose stories concretized the national memory that we now acknowledge to be our unique idea - the one that gives us "Americanness." Those who have been in power in America for two and a half centuries have sought - and often succeeded - in crafting the legislature to suit their desires.
Power is obtained through two primary ways: the accumulation of wealth (be it through cash or landholding); or by force, which includes or implies the threat of death.
This paper will seek to develop the relationship by which wealthy - and most often landed - elites have leveraged this to empower themselves in ways that allow them to subjugate certain classes, to control the flow of information in various media, and explore how this has remained the status quo throughout much of United States' history. Moreover, we will explore contemporary America and how these "upper casters" as I will term them, continue doing so to this day. Lastly, we will analyze how this affects and shapes American identity both within - and how our national character is viewed from without.

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